Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the waiting list for a Public Housing apartment in Havana?

Waiting list times vary quite a bit, but the average wait time is around 6 months to 1 year. Wait times often vary quite a bit as they depend on current households moving out before we have any sort of availability. The average wait time is around 6 months to 1 year, but your wait time could be more or less depending on specific circumstances.

What are preference points and what type of preference points does the housing authority use?

Housing authorities are allowed to choose preferences for waiting list applicants as long as they are fair and approved by HUD before implementation. There are 3 simple preferences that applicants may receive. These include 20 points for living or working within Mason County (or in one of our Rural Development properties outside of the county), 10 points if each household member is working or if they are elderly or disabled, and 10 points for being a veteran. Applicants cannot get a working preference if they already have an in-county preference and vice versa.

Are any utilities included or furnished at the Public Housing Apartments in Havana?

Tenants will be responsible for their own gas and electricity bills which are currently provided and serviced by Ameren Illinois. The housing authority provides water and sewer for all apartments and there is a dumpster on site for garbage and trash removal. Our staff also provides mowing and lawn care for the entire property; tenants are only responsible for keeping their yards picked up and items out of the way so that mowing can be completed.

How can I make sure I stay on the waiting list and don’t miss an opportunity for a unit offer?

Our housing authority recommends that all tenants stay in contact with the housing authority to keep us up to date on their mailing address and phone number so that staff can reach the applicant when their name comes up on the waiting list. Applicants should watch the mail for any and all correspondence sent by our housing authority. Once a year, the housing authority completes an annual waiting list purge. During this process, all applicants are sent a letter asking them to contact our agency to let us know whether or not they are still interested in remaining on the list. Anyone who has not contacted our agency within the time frame will be removed from the waiting list, and they will have to re-apply to be placed back on the waiting list in the future.

How long is the waiting list for one of your Rural Development Apartments (Avon, Bushnell, Ipava, Mason City, and Vermont)?

Wait times vary quite a bit at these complexes. Rural Development’s tenant selection process does not go by date and time of a tenant’s application. It focuses on income specifically. Some applicants may get an apartment soon after they apply, while others may have sat on the waiting list for quite a while without getting a unit. Applicants should keep the housing authority up to date with their income information as well as their current phone number and address.

Are there any preferences for your Rural Development program?

No. Our Rural Development program does not have any preference points for applicants.

Are any utilities included or furnished at your Rural Development Apartments?

Our Rural Development Apartments all offer included services for water, sewer, and garbage, though these services may differ depending on the complex. Avon, Bushnell, and Mason City have a dumpster on site, while Ipava and Vermont have regular weekly trash removal service.

How long is the waiting list for Section 8?

The waiting list for Section 8 is about one year long (estimate). If you live “in county” you receive preference points for living in county.

How long will it take to find out if I qualify for Section 8?

Once an applicant has come up on the waiting list and have been scheduled to come in for a briefing appointment, they go through all of the required paperwork a background check gets ran. If an applicant is income eligible and passes the background they will be issued a voucher to search for housing. A voucher is good for a total of 120 days.

Do you have a list of houses that are HUD Approved?

No, we do not have a list that we keep record of. We refer our clients to search the local papers, internet, etc. We try to encourage landlords to contact us when they have units available, take their information and pass it along to our clients.

Can I rent a house that is already HUD approved?

An applicant can rent that unit from the landlord, but they may not necessarily get assistance until they have a Housing Choice Voucher, then an inspection will be done to ensure that the unit is HUD approved.

Can I port my voucher to another county?

Yes, if a tenant has been on the program in Mason County for one year and they must current on rent with their current landlord and must not owe any money for damages. We do ask that if a tenant wishes to port that they ask the other housing agency if they are “absorbing”.

I have a tenant who rents one of my units and they are not on Section 8, how can they get on the program?

Please refer them to our office and they can have an application mailed to them or they can come in to fill one out. There is a waiting list process. Once on the program they will be able to get Section 8 assistance in that unit.

Does the PHA help covering the security deposit with Section 8 tenants?

No, the PHA does not help out with security deposits. In that instance it is completely between the LL and the tenant on covering security deposit payments. The LL may refer the tenant to local churches, community action, etc.

How can I get my house HUD approved?

Contact or come into the office and we will get you a pamphlet on what you need to do to get your house HUD approved.

How do I apply?

Applicants can apply in person at our office located at 1002 East Laurel Ave., Havana, IL 62644. Applicants can also request for an application to be mailed for them or fill out our online application forms that are available on each apartment page in the navigation.

How do I apply?

Applicants can apply in person at our office located at 1002 East Laurel Ave., Havana, IL 62644. Applicants can also request for an application to be mailed for them or fill out our online application form here.

Is rental assistance available at Blue Sky Meadows?

Section 8 is accepted at Blue Sky Meadows for existing voucher holders. Apply for Section 8 here.

What are the income guidelines?

Income level is the most important factor in determining eligibility. Income level is determined by the median area income for a county. Income information by county is available online, or at any local HUD office.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are allowed with a pet deposit. Please call the office at 309-210-0111 for guidelines.

Do I pay utilities separately from rent?

Yes, tenants are responsible for all utilities.

Is the community room available to rent?

Yes, the community room is available to rent. Rental fee for a tenant is $25 and our rental fee for the public is $75. Call the office at 309-210-0111 to reserve your date.